The Newsletter For Automotive Content Creators

Read by automotive business owners, bloggers, photographers, and content creators.

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Becoming An Automotive Content Creator WILL Change Your Life.

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Hey, I'm Sam WebsterI'm a data analyst turned fabricator, content creator, podcaster, and entrepreneur.I started the biggest car project of my life with nothing but a hope and a dream.Everyone thought I was nuts. And I get it. It was a terrible idea from all angles.I sold my nice daily driver truck. Took all the money from selling it. Then bought a completely totaled Toyota Tacoma in a salvage auction. Silly right?

I saw guys doing it on YouTube with huge followings.So I figured I could do the same.Well what really happened is…. nothing.Crickets. Nobody was seeing my posts or cared what I was doing.Turns out I had completely missed something huge. Those guys had put in the time to learn the skills needed to make good content.Skills formed by hard work, focus, and dedication.Skills I didn’t have. Yet...So I decided I HAD to learn how to grow an audience.But since I didn’t have a dime to my name because I spent it all on rebuilding the wrecked truck. I couldn’t hire a coach or buy an expensive course to learn how.I needed to do it t the old fashioned way.I consumed all the free material I could get my hands on.Then I started testing.A lot of the things I tried failed. (most things)I kept going though.Eventually things started to click. My following started to grow.I was getting flooded with comments and direct messages.Then automotive brands started to reach out to me. And accepted my sponsorship proposals.When pallets of free tools and parts started to get delivered I knew I was on to something.It was solving my biggest problem which was money. (I'm going to guess it's yours too)Plus the quality of the got build got better. And it helped me grow my audience even faster.Nuts.Building a following started to enhance every aspect of being a car enthusiast.And not in little ways. It has allowed me to- Get Sponsorships
- Do Brand Deals
- Land Big Youtube Collaborations
- Build High Level Relationships
- Get Featured On Podcasts
- Have Articles Written About Me
- Rack Up Millions Of Views
- Build My Project On Other People's Dime
- Get Invited To Showcase My Build In A Car Show
People think building an audience is really complicated.Fortunately that’s not true.Yes it takes work to build the skills. (Isn’t anything worth doing?)But they are high leverage skills you take with you forever. And you really only need to understand a few fundamental concepts to execute on.I had to figure all this out this out on my own.That’s exactly why I created the Autolab newsletter and the Car Creator Crash Course.I wanted to create a resource for car enthusiasts who are ready to push things further. Those ready to level up.I want you to be able to build audience and get sponsorships too.I’ve broken it down into a course full of a systems, frameworks and templates.Delivered to you in bite sized daily lessons for you to take action on.If you want in, throw your email in below. I’ll send you the whole course free of charge when it’s ready.I just want you to win.See you on the inside.- Sam

Launching Soon (free for Autolab subscribers)

Car Creator Bootcamp

Build New Skills. Make Better Content. Create Opportunities.

Autolab Newsletter subscribers get free lifetime access to the Car Creator Bootcamp when it is released.

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